From A Daydream to Full Time

From A Daydream to Full Time

 As we enter a new decade, we are taking a moment to celebrate the lifetime of SIN and to reflect on the successes and struggles of being a small Brooklyn based home goods brand. Virginia has had a long and exciting journey taking SIN from spare time to full time.


See our most memorable moments below: 


The first product is born. 
We developed our very first SIN product, The Porcelain Paper Plate. 
Modeled after the traditional paper variety, the original products were
made from actual shredded paper plates, (which were previously used to
mold the plates) and then combined the paper pulp with porcelain slip to
create her own unique batch of environmentally sound paperclay (which
requires only one firing, as opposed to several with traditional clay). The
original porcelain paper plates had a wonderful delicate feel to them and
were as light and thin as actual paper plates.




We had our first big feature.
SIN had its first bit of press when our Porcelain Paper
plates were featured on Design Sponge. 


We won an award! 
Entered in the Design Within Reach: Modern + Design + Function
competition and was the recipient of the Most Sustainable award.



First ceramic studio. 
Virginia moved into her first ceramic studio on South 5th
in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. This studio is where our first products
were conceived and where SIN grew from a creative outlet
and into a side-hustle. 




Eleven Madison Park 
Our porcelain paper plates are picked up by world-renowned restaurant,
Eleven Madison Park, to serve the picnic prix fixe course.


The Gluttony Collection is born.
We developed our very first full body of work, 
The Gluttony Collection, and introduced it to the world.
This collection is still being produced today.




SIN went live online! 
We developed our webshop and began selling directly to customers.
We had our first-ever online sale on February 11th, 2014! 


Our first big account.
We partnered with the amazing Food52 for our Porcelain Paper plate.


Our first trade show. 
SIN participated in our first ever Trade Show, NY Now. 


We found our current home.
We move into our current space inside the Leviton Building
in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. We started with just one small room
and have slowly taken over 5 rooms over the past 5 years! 



Our Coil Collection was born!
 Virginia received her first extruder as a Christmas present
from her boyfriend, now husband and this is when our first prong
bowl was developed. From there, our bestselling coil collection was
born and we continue to re-define and coil technique at SIN.  




One Thousand units sold online.
We hit one thousand products sold from our website in September of 2016!
SIN Full time.
Virginia leaves her Advertising Career to Pursue her dream of Full-Time at SIN!! 


The New York Historical Society Museum
Our Porcelain Paper Plate was acquired by The New York Historical Society Museum,
where it became part of their 20th and 21st-century objects collection. 


We hired!
We hired our first employee, Mili.


We got lit! 
SIN launches our first ever lighting collection
at the Architecture Design MADE show.



We hit 100 wholesale partners.
We hit the milestone of having SIN carried
in over 100 stores, across 10 countries. 


Lonny Magazine 
One of our all-time favorites,
Lonny Magazine, shot Virginia's home.


We hit 10K followers on Instagram!
We grew our team! 
This year, we grew our SIN family into a team of six,
diverse and talented women.



KoniMari <3
We got into KoniMari, Marie Kondo’s online shop.
This sparked SO MUCH personal joy for us! 


We packed our butts off. 
We shipped out 425 boxes in the month of December. 


Thank you for following along on our journey
and for your support of SIN!
We can’t wait to see where the next
10 years takes us! 
Team SIN